We hope that students of Shri K. N. Rao will be glad to know that this version adds a new cell type, “Cara daśās”, which provides cara daśā calculations as explained in the teacher’s profound books. We would like to thank Gabi Satori, the author of vedica.ru, for expressing his interest in this feature and kindly contributing to its development!
In the cell type picker (not shown here), the “Cara daśās” cell type is available just above “Viṃśottarī daśās”:
Please note that this method of cara daśā calculation is a bit different from the method described in the translations of Bṛhat Pārāśara Horā Śāstra, verses 46.155-167. Instead, it is based on the book “Predicting through Jaimini’s Chara Dasha” by K. N. Rao (2003). The Bṛhat Pārāśara Horā Śāstra version is currently not implemented.